How to: Vegan Cake! 2 Ingredients!


So in the vegan community I’ve been seeing the whole ‘make a cake with soda’ going around. Honestly it looked like a “too good to be true” moment.

So I experimented, being the crazy gal I am. (I’m deffo not a crazy gal. I don’t know why I said that.)

So the recipe goes as follows.

Processed with VSCO with a5 presetIngredients:

Betty Crocker Cake Mix – I used Country Carrot

1 Can of Fizzy Pop or 330ml – Lemonade and Diet Coke are the 2 most popular – I used 330ml of Lemonade

Aaand that’s it. I know – ridiculous. I did, however, add cinnamon and chopped hazelnuts for the top but that’s because I’m a posh gitProcessed with VSCO with a5 preset


Pour mixture into a bowl. (Cinnamon too if you add it)

Pour Fizzy Pop on top.

Mix and pour onto your lined baking tray.

Sprinkle whatever you want on top you’re the baker.

Aaaand that’s it. I know – ridiculous.

You want it on Gas Mark 4 for about 30 mins. Check by stabbing it and see if there’s any blo.. cake mixture on the knife. If it’s clean you got away with it.. I mean it’s done.

Surprisingly – it worked.. and very well!

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

It’s a light sponge with bounce and tastes like cake! (Because it’s a cake Kara, obviously) I think next time I’ll use less drink because it went quite moist, either that or I didn’t cook it long enough!

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

I’ll 100% do this again, the photos aren’t great because this wasn’t going to be a post, but as it went so well I think it deserved one!

Think we know who’s getting Star Baker in this house today!

Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Kara xo